Community Service Program

  • Hertford County Early College High School

    Community Service Program Requirements

    As a graduation requirement, each student must complete a minimum of forty hours of community service.  


    The school defines community service as an act completed that helps a public school, town or city government, or a recognized non-profit organization actively participate in a service supporting our community. The purpose of the high school community service requirement are to develop relationships between the school and community; provide diversified experiences for students; support the mission statements of the high school and the school district; expand district community service experiences; foster self-discipline, responsibility, respect, and empathy for others. Community service may not serve immediate family members, relatives, or any institution where possible exploitation for financial gain could happen. Any activity completed during school hours under the banner of community service must receive prior approval from Mr. Kinkead and Principal. Students are encouraged to seek opportunities outside of their usual "circle." Hertford County Early College will provide various options for students each year during the school year.


    Upon completing community service activities, students need to complete the online Google form (see below). Each form must be turned in within 30 days of the completion of service projects that are done during the school year. If the community service is not acceptable, the student will be contacted by the staff. It would be in the students’ best interest to seek approval from Mr. Kinkead before completing community service to ensure it is acceptable.  

    Students who have questions about community service hours should contact Mr. Kinkead. As a reminder, students must complete the online Google Form to receive credit for community service. 


    • Complete the online form and upload a picture or documentation that shows you have completed the service (click here to print the ECHS documentation form).

    **Mr. Kinkead will no longer accept paper copies of community service forms. All forms must be uploaded through the online platform. Once uploaded, it will be approved by Mr. Kinkead and the Principal. You will also receive a copy of the form for your record.**