Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Opt-Out Option
Each year, parents and guardians have the right to opt-out of sharing directory information. More information about your FERPA rights may be viewed at this link: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 USC § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).
Schools use directory information to publish items such as yearbooks, honor rolls, newsletters, and graduation announcements. This also includes information about opportunities for scholarship programs and colleges to be sent to you.
Directory information will only be used for official purposes and for colleges and universities if you so choose. A school may disclose directory information to third parties, for non-commercial use only, and will never sell information to third parties for commercial purposes.
Please print, complete, and return the FERPA Annual Opt-Out Options Form to your child(s) school. The form may also be picked at each school. Students WILL NOT be removed from sharing directory information if this form is not returned. All grades (K-13) must answer Question 1. Only grades 9-13 are required to answer Questions 2-4.
Parents/guardians with a parent portal account may complete these questions each year within the Parent Portal. The parent portal returns to service on day 10 of the new academic year. If you do not have a portal account, we encourage you to sign up at your child’s school.
Parents may also complete these questions using the online registration Returning Student Form available at your child's school.